Do you need WordPress help?

Do you need HELP with your WordPress site?

Maybe the following sounds familiar.  You launched your WordPress site years ago with the help of professional developers and designers.  The site looked great – still probably does.  They showed you how to update everything and you swore to yourself that you would keep on top of it.  Then life and work got in the way and slowly over time your WordPress site has become out of date.  Your plugins are out of date.  Your theme is out of date.  It’s quite possible WordPress itself is out of date along with PHP.  Maybe your WordPress Dashboard reminds you of the need to make updates every time you login.  Take a look at the image above.


There are many pitfalls in not keeping your WordPress site up to date with respect to its plugins, theme, and WordPress core.  Features of your site could fail.  Your confidential information could be stolen through a security breach.  Your site in its entirety might stop working.

Or perhaps your WordPress site is lacking and showing its age.  Site requirements will change over time.  Technology and features that are avialable today could make your site perform better across key indicators – total users/visitors, more online sales, more qualified leads to name a few.

TQuist is here to help!  We can safely and accurately assess your plugins and update all aspects of your site.  Our developers can augment your WordPress system so it operates exactly how you need it to.

Contact us today to find out more!

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