TQuist provides administrative and technical services for MagicOpt.com
MagicOpt facilitates Machine Learning for everyone! MagicOpt has two products that are in Beta at this time – MagicOpt Instant Predictions and MagicOpt Hyper Tuning.
MagicOpt is the master of tiny data. Most Machine Learning companies focus solely on Big Data and Big Data problems. MagicOpt Instant Prediction focuses on tiny data and tiny data problems, specifically predicting data values from as few as 30 training rows. The website provides registered users with the ability to drag and drop (or otherwise select) a spreadsheet into the prediction service and seconds later a file with predicted values will be ready to download. It’s that easy to use!
MagicOpt Hyper Tuning is a Big Data service that optimally tunes hyper parameters. The Hyper Tuning service is fast and efficient and routinely scores higher than open source products such as HyperOpt in significantly less time. The Hyper Tuning service is available through command line tools, a Python module, or REST API.